Amur Region Law No. 89-OZ dated 10.11.2005 (rev. as of 09.11.2021)

Amur Region Law No. 89-OZ dated 10.11.2005 (rev. as of 09.11.2021)

Name in English:
Amur Region Law No. 89-OZ dated 10.11.2005 (rev. as of 09.11.2021)

Name in Russian:
Закон Амурской области от 10.11.2005 № 89-ОЗ (ред. от 09.11.2021)

Description in English:

Amur Region Law No. 89-OZ dated 10.11.2005 (rev. as of 09.11.2021) 'About environment protection in Amur Region' (adopted by Amur Regional Council of Peoples' Deputies on 21.10.2005)

Description in Russian:
Закон Амурской области от 10.11.2005 № 89-ОЗ (ред. от 09.11.2021) 'Об охране окружающей среды в Амурской области' (принят Амурским областным Советом народных депутатов 21.10.2005)

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Electronic (PDF)

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4 business days

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1 business day

Amur Region Law No. 89-OZ dated 10.11.2005 (rev. as of 09.11.202

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