O’z DSt 8.003:2005

O’z DSt 8.003:2005

Name in English:
O’z DSt 8.003:2005

Name in Russian:
O’z DSt 8.003:2005

Description in English:

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Verification of measuring instruments. Basic provisions. Replaces O’z DSt 8.003-92, RD Uz 00036951-007-93

Description in Russian:
Государственная система обеспечения единства измерений РУз. Поверка средств измерений. Основные положения. Взамен O’z DSt 8.003-92, РД Уз 00036951-007-93

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Electronic (pdf/doc)

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3 business days

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1 business day


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