RD 153-34.3-35.125-99

RD 153-34.3-35.125-99

Name in English:
RD 153-34.3-35.125-99

Name in Russian:
РД 153-34.3-35.125-99

Description in English:

Guidelines on the protection of 6-1150 kV electrical circuits against lightning and internal overvoltages. All 3 parts

Description in Russian:
Руководство по защите электрических сетей 6 - 1150 кВ от грозовых и внутренних перенапряжений. Все 3 части

Document status:

Electronic (PDF)

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Delivery time (for English version):
1 business day

Delivery time (for Russian version):
1 business day

RD 153-34.3-35.125-99

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