Federal Law No. 52-FZ dated 30.03.1999 (revision as of 13.07.2020)

Federal Law No. 52-FZ dated 30.03.1999 (revision as of 13.07.2020)

Name in English:
Federal Law No. 52-FZ dated 30.03.1999 (revision as of 13.07.2020)

Name in Russian:
Федеральный Закон № 52-ФЗ от 30.03.1999 (с изменениями от 13.07.2020)

Description in English:

Federal Law No. 52-FZ dated 30.03.1999 'On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population' (revision as of 13.07.2020)

Description in Russian:
Федеральный Закон № 52-ФЗ от 30.03.1999 'О санитарно-эпидемиологическом благополучии населения' (с изменениями от 13.07.2020)

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Electronic (PDF)

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Delivery time (for English version):
1 business day

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1 business day


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