Online Standards Store

GOST 20454-85

Ceramic through insulators of nominal voltage over 1000 V. Types, main parameters and dimensions

Document status: Active

GOST R 50571.7-94

Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Protection for safety. Isolation, switching off, control

Document status: Replaced by GOST R 50571.5.53-2013

GOST R 54815-2011

Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage over 50 V. Operating requirements

Document status: Active

GOST 29176-91

Short-circuits in electrical installations. Calculation methods in d.c. electrical

Document status: Active

GOST 29005-91

Cores for inductors and transformers for telecommunications. Part 2. Guides for drafting specifications

Document status: Active

GOST R IEC 60851-6-2002

Winding wires. Test methods. Part 6. Thermal properties

Document status: Cancelled
