Online Standards Store

Federal Law No. 69-FZ dated 21.12.1994 (with amendments as of 22.12.2020)

Federal Law No. 69-FZ dated 21.12.1994 'About fire prevention' (with amendments as of 22.12.2020)

Document status: Active

RDPB 01-002-2007

Fire alarm system devices. Requirements to arrangement. Rules for execution and acceptance of works

Document status: Active

RDPB 01-003-2008

Automatic firefighting equipment. Maintenance operations and preventive maintenance

Document status: Active

RDPB 01-001-2007

Automatic firefighting systems. Requirements to arrangement. Rules for execution and acceptance of works

Document status: Active

RDPB 01-004-2010

Graphical symbols for fire-extinguishing installations, fire and security alarm system

Document status: Active

NPB 184-99*

Fire equipment. Fire standpipe. General technical requirements. Test methods

Document status: Active
